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How to launch a New Partner Step by Step in 30 - 60 days?

Core Rank QSC

Step by Step: 5 On Boarding Coaching Calls:




Coaching Call #1 (1 to 1 1/2 hours)


Step 1- Reinforce their decision to join


Before you get started it's important to find out how your new partner is feeling about their new business adventure.


  • How are you feeling about things? Are you excited to get started?

  • Hear them out and encourage them

  • Reinforce their decision to partner with you and Juice Plus -talking about how amazing the products are, the company and of course our amazing team and how this opportunity can bless their lives


Step 2 - Crucial Conversation

I am here to help and support you with the growth of your business. Over the next month we will do a series of coaching calls, 5 total calls on zoom.

Each of these calls will be 30 minutes or longer if needed. During these calls we will work through conversations, social media, follow up, and our funnel system.

The goal is to have you become as independent as possible as quickly as possible, that being said I am here to help you every step of the way until you feel independent to do it on your own. Creating independence takes anywhere from three to nine months. Does that sound good to you? 


Step 3 -Journey from dependence to independence

I will help you become independent with four simple steps.

  • I will tell you

  • I will show you

  • You will try

  • You will do

As long as you are willing, teachable and hungry, we will have success.




Step 4 – Four things we do

  • Share products

  • Inspire others

  • Duplicate

  • Lead



Step 5 - Expectations

Building your juice Plus business is going to take time and commitment. Some people grow at a quicker rate than others but for most it takes time.


Step 6 -Building Belief

Throughout our five coaching sessions we will be working on building belief in

  • Products

  • Customer Acquisition and Care

  • Company

  • Compensation

  • Team Building

  • Systems

  • Network marketing

On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you say your belief in the Products are? And how about Network Marketing?  


(if they do not have a strong belief in the product’s you will want to have them watch videos and share some stories with them. If their network marketing belief is low have them watch Rise of the Entrepreneur on YouTube for homework)

You will work on helping to build their belief in the other areas throughout your next four coaching calls.


Step 7 and beyond – Coaching on  The Freedom Revolution


  1. Compensation -briefly go over the compensation plan using the image under “compensation”. Your focus is to show them the three ways we get paid sales profit, commission and performance bonus. Let them know that every position is permanent and that when they hit a new title, they will get a one time title reward bonus. If you are not comfortable doing this, ask for help from a business partner.

  2. Throughout our five coaching calls we will be working towards our “Core Rank “position, “Qualifying Sales Coordinator “

  3. When you hit Qualifying Sales Coordinator in your first 30 days in addition to the sales profit (10% of total price) you will earn a total of $500 in bonus money (US), $550 (Can).. We will cover more about sales profit and Commission in the next step.

  4. Briefly go over price and earnings guide teaching them about Promotional Volume, sales profit and commission

  5. Watch partner plus video and qualifying sales coordinator video

  6. Download “Success Guide” under “Getting Started” -overview the success guide with them and let them know you will be working through it with them over the next 30 days.

  7. Go through “checklist” – hold off on putting in their first order until you have customers ready to order. Be sure to stress the importance of downloading Voxer so you can coach them between coaching calls

  8. Help get their story started (you can continue to work on this on the next call)

  9. Explain our funnel system briefly - (watch Funnel training video as homework see video below)


10a.Have them come up with 5 customer prospects – your goal is to have them leave this call ready and prepared to have these 5 conversations- You will need to ask questions about each person to learn more about them.   From there you will give them verbiage to help them navigate these conversations. 


Questions you can ask to help them:

Who do you know that could use more plant nutrition?

Who do you know that would is wanting to change their health?

Who do you know that has picky little eaters?

Who do you know that loves to garden and grow their own food?


Let them know you will be washing and repeating this process until they have the volume requirement for QSC


10b. However, there is a faster way to accomplish this that will also save you time…. What some people like to do is host an online zoom event.  I will create a fun flyer, and all you have to do is invite to it.  This way your conversations are just inviting others to your event. At this event your only task is to welcome everyone and introduce me. From there I use a PowerPoint presentation that will take them through a series of slides to help them learn more about juice plus in the importance of eating healthy. (I show them my presentation briefly).  Not everyone is comfortable with an event right away but if you are it will be a fast way to grow your business. Would you like to host an event?


11. Book a date for the event (just need enough time for them to invite. Don’t push it out) and coach them on invites

12.  If an event is not happening, you will just make sure you have coached them on the 5 (at min) conversations…more if time allows.






Homework: (include links for easy access) send by text. 

  1. Download Success Guide

  2. Download Voxer

  3. Make list for event and invite all

  4. Watch Funnel Training video (

  5. Download and print order form

  6. Watch first 4 Videos ’s from “Getting Started”

  • Casting vision

  • Making your list

  • Product Story

  • Business Story

7.  Work on product and business story

Coaching Call #2- (within 72 hours of coaching call 1) - 45min

Always be sure to start each call asking your new partner how they are feeling about things. You want to ask them if any fears have come up and be sure to help them through those fears if they have some. Fears are normal it is our job to help people overcome them so they can reach their goal.  


Step 1- How are your conversation’s going?

  • Go through each person that they were reaching out to and help guide them to the next step

  • Help them use the funnel system with each person

  • Teach them follow up

  • Teach them to ask for the sale – Are you ready to get started?

  • Help them craft their first social media post

  • If they are hosting an event, how are the invites coming along?How many have the invited? Help them create a bigger list of invites if needed

  • Be sure to teach them to send reminders to their invites on the day of the event


Step 2- Homework follow up  

  • How did they do with their homework?

  • If not completed, add it on to their homework for this coaching call

  • Help them complete their stories – tell them to practice it

  • Teach them how to use their stories to create curiosity and when sharing the business.


Step 3- Continue working through their prospect list

  • Help them with more verbiage for their specific list( 5-10 more people)

  • They should get the hang of it after 5-10 total examples


Step 4- Processing orders

  • Teach them to get all their orders on paper for their “Partner Plus” position

  • All orders will be put in at one time so we can achieve Express track

  • Stress the importance of keeping all the reach outs, follow-ups and asking for the sale close together so we can place all orders so we can achieve the volume needed to hit the express track promotions within the time frame allowed

  • This will lead us to a successful express track to “Qualifying Sales Coordinator”


Step 5- Social Media  


Step 6- Create a DMO (Daily Method of Operation)

Work with your partner to create a DMO they feel they can accomplish

30-60 mins 5 days a week in addition to this you want to get the team coaching calls into their calendar with the zoom link for ease of use

  • New reach outs

  • Follow-ups

  • Inviting to events

  • Social media


Step 6- Mindset Coaching

  • How is their mindset?

  • They may be feeling overwhelmed, scared, intimidated or have fears of being judged

  • Help them overcome their fears. If you are not skilled in this area, book a call with one of your business partners who is.


Step 7-Creating the Dream Team

  • What are 6-10 personality traits that are important to them in a business partner?

  • Who do they know that have some of these traits?

  • Once they give you the names, you ask more about each of them until you feel comfortable with coming up with business share verbiage.

  • Give them the verbiage to be able to go have these conversations?


Example… (New Partner) Hey Jody, hope your week is going well.   Do you have 10 mins to chat tonight?   

Jody:  yes sure, call me tonight at 8


Phone call:  New Partner takes a minute to catch up…

I wanted to reach out to you, because I know you are so passionate about health and nutrition and you have such a heart for helping others!!! I just started a business I think you will absolutely LOVE!  It is all around health and whole food supplementation (insert story).   I have no idea if it is something you would be willing to take a look at, but I know you will love it and it could be a great way for your to bring some income to help offset the expenses of Ally’s competitive cheer (insert something you know they need/want) . 


  • When they are open you will have your new partner book a connection call with you to learn more



Book next coaching call (5 days)



Coaching Call #3- (within 5 days of coaching call 2) – 30 min


Take time to see how they did with their business shares, DMO and Social Media Training.  Continue to coach them through the processes.


Step 1- Customer Care

By this point your new partner should have orders to place to hit their Partner Plus Express track.  



Step 2- QSC

By this point they should be starting to understand volume and how to track their new orders via the “Partner Plus” worksheet (found in Success Guide)


  • Watch the QSC video one more time

  • Go through previous conversations to see who is ready to order

  • Help them understand their “dream team” can help them achieve QSC with the volume



Coaching Call #4 and #5 - 30 mins

The remainder of your first months coaching calls are just to support your new partner with their growth to QSC.  Helping them navigate through dead end conversations, helping them place orders and learn the Juice Plus business portal. As well as helping them navigate the most effective ways to create conversations on social media


 When connecting with your partner you will always be giving them homework to do, checking in to see how they are feeling about the processes, if blockages or fears are coming up you will be helping them build belief in whatever area they are struggling in (as for help from a business partner if you need it in this area). 


Your job is to slowly expose them to more resources as you feel they are needed….example would be deeper social media training, Educational events, connection call with your leader if needed.  

Our System- The Funnel


Now that you have identified the pain in your life that you would like to eliminate (your WHY), let's get clear on your desire. What amount of income deposited into your bank account on the 10th of each month would address your WHY? 

What is possible.......

3 Club: $1000 per month (3 excited team members)

8 Club: $1500-2000 per month (2 of your above team members built their own 3 club)

12 Club: $2500-4000 per month (3 of your excited team members built a 3 club)

24 Club: $5000-7000 per month (6 of your own team members built a 3 club)

Reminder: In order to find one excited/working team member you will probably have to sign up five. Statistically, every 1 in 5 is a worker. For example: In a 3 club you will need to sponsor 15 team members personally.

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